5 ways Duct Tape can save your ski adventure!

Following on from our recent blog ‘How Duct Tape Saved My Adventure‘ in which our adventure cameraman Keith Partridge, explains how he helped patch up a crashed aeroplane with a trusty roll of duct tape, we came up with some other ways in which duct tape can save the day during your time on the mountain.

1. Saving your modesty



“Oh dear!” Not sure that even duct tape will make this look any better, however it would seal the hole and allow the skier to return to their hotel a little dryer and warmer!




2. Fixing your ski poles



If you’re caught out on a ski tour or in an area off piste, duct tape might help in securing a temporary fix in order to give you enough support back to safer ground.




3. Go-Pro footage on the slopes



The conditions are more than perfect, you need to get the best quality Go-Pro footage you can, so use duct tape to attach your camera to your ski poles.




4. Fixing your ski boots



You’re not a pro unless you have at least one piece of duct tape covering your favourite ski boots, perfect to keep your boots waterproof and feet warm for at least a couple more seasons!




5. And finally coping with blisters!



We do not recommend this at all, however in extreme situations duct tape can be used to seal open wounds and help prevent infection by creating an air tight seal. Best to leave blisters to other products like compeed.




One thing duct tape can’t do is to patch up tired legs at the end of a great day’s skiing, trust that to our SkiFit programme and remember whether you’re skiing, ski touring or snowboarding, pack a trusty roll of duct tape, because it might just save your adventure!

Jackie Maclean-Martin
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