Tag Archives: avalanches

Learning with the Geeks – snow pits on an avalanche level 2 course

Learning to dig and interpret snow pits with the experts on the Avalanche Geeks level 2 course reveals the benefits and limitations of this technique. Following the great avalanche level 1 course we attended in 2014 with the Avalanche Geeks (AKA Bruce Goodlad and Mike Austin) we followed up this year with a level 2 course. This course over 3 days revisited the same topics of snow, terrain and the human element, but went deeper into more geekery including some very graphic and thought provoking Continue reading →

Learning from the geeks… an avalanche level 1 course

I’m sure there are many like me out there. Reasonably competent skiers who want to escape the crowds in resort and yearn to explore the amazing winter mountain environment and push our skiing envelope with wild and challenging terrain. However we are held back by our all too real fear of the serious dangers lurking out there in off-piste terrain, in particular avalanches. We may have read a few books, perhaps watched some videos and possibly even been guided in the mountains, but we still don’t Continue reading →